Standardisation Activity
Standardisation Organisation
Target date for standard publication
Status Standardisation
Regulatory Activity
Regulatory Organisation
Target date for regulatory material publication
Status Regulation
Master Plan Reference
SDM reference deployment Plan Families
Joint activity with RTCA
ATN B1 & ATS B2 ED-229B - Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - Change 1 EUROCAE WG-78 Published STD-004, AGDLS-ATC-AC-15a, AGDLS-ATC-AC-15b, AGDLS-ATC-AC-15d, AGDLS-ATC-AC-15e, AGDLS-ATC-AC-15f DO-351B Ch1 ED-229A is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.CER.DLS.410)
Mode S EUROCONTROL Specification for the Mode S IC Allocation Coordination and IC Conflict Management (MICA) EUROCONTROL-SPEC-153 Edition 3.0 EUROCONTROL MICA FP Q1/2025 Ongoing
SWIM EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM - Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile EUROCONTROL-SPEC-170 Edition 2.0 EUROCONTROL SWIM-TEC Q2/2025 Ongoing STD-134 Edition 1.1 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.DEC.SWIM.310, AMC1 for GE.DEC.SWIM.320, AMC1 for GE.DEC.SWIM.330) and "DS-GE.SoC — Issue 1" (DS SoC.001, DS SoC.003, DS SoC.004, DS SoC.006)
ADS-B ground station EUROCONTROL Specification for ATM Surveillance System Performance (ESASSP) EUROCONTROL-SPEC-147 Edition 1.4 EUROCONTROL Surveillance Standard TF (SSTF) Q3/2025 Ongoing Edition 1.2 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.CER.SDP.520)
TBS for final approach EUROCONTROL Guidelines on Time-Based Separation (TBS) with Optimized Runway Delivery (ORD) for Final Approach EUROCONTROL-GUID-196 Edition 1.0 EUROCONTROL None Q4/2024 Ongoing STD-093, STD-172
ATM ground system MOPS for track deviation monitoring based on ADS-C/EPP data ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q1/2025 Planned
ATM ground system MOPS for Approach path monitoring alerting parameters ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q3/2025 Planned
ATM ground system MOPS for Area proximity warning alerting parameters ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q3/2025 Planned
ATM ground system MOPS for Minimum safe altitude warning alerting parameters ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q3/2025 Planned
ATM ground system MOPS for Short term conflict alert parameters ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q3/2025 Planned
ATM ground system MOPS for Medium term conflict detection alerting parameters ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-xxx Q3/2025 Planned
ATN B1 ED-110B Ch2 Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 EUROCAE WG-78 Published Published 15 October 2024
ATN B1 & ATS B2 Interoperability Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communication, Baseline 1 Accommodation ED-231B Change 1 EUROCAE WG-78 Q4/2024 Ongoing DO-353B Ch1
Remote tower MASPS for Remote Tower Optical Systems ED-240C EUROCAE WG-100 Q4/2026 Ongoing B1-RATS
VDL Mode 2 Signal-in-Space Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Advanced VHF Digital Data Communications EUROCAE WG-92 Q1/2025 Ongoing AF6 6.1.1 SC-214 Joint with RTCA SC-214 for alignment with existing MASPS DO-224D
WAM/ADS-B composite ED-142B Technical Specification for WAM Ground System with Composite Surveillance Functionality EUROCAE WG-51 Q2/2028 Planned B1-ASUR Will be progressed after completion of ED-142A
Airborne applications ED-194B Ch1 MOPS for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System EUROCAE WG-51 Published STD-150 B0-ASUR Published 8 July 2024
Runway system ED-292A MASPS for Runway Weather Information Systems EUROCAE WG-109 Q4/2025 Ongoing Supporting ICAO GRF
Runway system Guidance for the Implementation and Operation of Runway Weather Information Systems ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-109 Q3/2026 Ongoing
VoIP ED-137/4C Change 2 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components – Volume 4 Recording EUROCAE WG-67 Q2/2025 Ongoing
Flight object Flight object exchange ED-133A EUROCAE WG-59 Q4/2022 Ongoing ATC-STD-01 B1-FICE Target date unchanged in EUROCAE. This document is subject to dissenting opinion procedures and further consulations
Interface OSED for ATC Systems - VCS Interoperability for ATM Information Exchange ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-126 Q1/2026 Ongoing
Interface ATC Systems - VCS Interoperability Standard for ATM Information Exchange ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-126 Q1/2026 Ongoing
Counter UAS ED-286A OSED for Counter UAS Systems in Controlled Airspace EUROCAE WG-115 Q4/2024 Ongoing Joint with RTCA SC-238
Airborne capability MASPS: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation ED-75F EUROCAE WG-85 Q4/2024 Ongoing Joint with RTCA SC-227
DMAN & A-CDM Airport CDM SWIM Service Performance Specification ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-111 Not Planned The need for this document is to be reviewed in light of SWIM developments since the task description was drafted in 2019. WG will re-propose this task as needed and the task description updated to reflect current requirements
PSR in L Band Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR); Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum; Part 1: Air Traffic Control (ATC) PSR Sensors operating in 1 215 MHz to 1 400 MHz frequency band (L band); Sub-part 1: radar systems using reflector antennas. EN 303 364-1-1 ETSI None 2024 Ongoing STD-083 Updated target date
PSR in L Band Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR); Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum; Part 1: Air Traffic Control (ATC) PSR Sensors operating in 1 215 MHz to 1 400 MHz frequency band (L band); Sub part 2: radar systems using phased array antennas - EN 303 364-1-2 ETSI None 2024 Ongoing STD-083 Updated target date
SWIM SWIM Technical Infrastructure - Blue Profile EUROCONTROL None TBD Not Planned SWIM-STD-12 Dependent upon ED-133 update
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Instrument Flight Procedures Design Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.1.1 EUROCONTROL None Q4/2024 Ongoing updated target date and status
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for AIP Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.2 EUROCONTROL None TBD Planned
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Digital NOTAM Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.2 EUROCONTROL none TBD Planned
Architecture Technical System Architecture Interfaces EUROCAE None Not Planned Activity not yet planned. Link with the AAS programme
ATN B1 & ATS B2 Data Link Services (DLS) System; Community Specification ; Requirements for ground constituents and system testing Revision EN 303 214 (V1.3.1) ETSI None 2024 Ongoing AGDLS-ATC-AC-8 CS are no longer valid. The traceability against the legislation is now part of the EASA system; to be checked if (part of) the spec can be transferred in a TS/EN such as end-to-end testing
LDACS Harmonised Standard for L Band Air Ground Communication System Ground segment ETSI None Planned B3-TBO Task is pending mature technology
VDL Mode 2 Guidance on Air to Ground VDL Mode 2 Interoperability ED-276A EUROCAE WG-92 Q4/2024 Ongoing AF6 6.1.1, 6.1.2 Joint with RTCA SC-214 and AEEC [DLK Systems] ED-276 is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (GM1 for GE.CER.AGDC.120)
LDACS MASPS for L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) EUROCAE WG-82 Q4/2024 Ongoing STD-159
VDL Mode 2 ED-xxx Signal-In-Space MASPS for Advanced VHF Digital Data Communications EUROCAE WG-92 Q3/2026 Ongoing joint with RTCA SC-214
Satcom MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications Supporting Required Communications Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) ED-242D EUROCAE WG-82 Q3/2025 Ongoing coordinated activities (SC222)
VoIP ED-136/1A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and Technical Requirements Volume 1: Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) EUROCAE WG-67 Q1/2025 Ongoing AMC1 GE.CER.AGVC.210 AMC2 GE.CER.AGVC.220 AMC 3 GE.CER.AGVC.220 AMC1 GE.CER.AGVC.240 STD-180
VoIP ED-137/5C Change 1 Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components – Volume 5 Supervision EUROCAE WG-67 Q2/2024 Ongoing Will incorporate updates from experience gained during the implementation of the standard.
Counter UAS Interoperability Requirements for Counter-UAS systems ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-115 Q4/2025 Ongoing Joint with RTCA SC-238 Referring to ED-286 "OSED for Counter-UAS in controlled airspace "
VoIP ED-138A Network Requirements and Performances for VoIP ATM Systems EUROCAE WG-67 Q1/2025 Ongoing Updated target date
GNSS Contingency ED-57A MOPS for Distance Measuring Equipment (DME/N and DME/P) (ground equipment) EUROCAE WG-107 Q1/2025 Ongoing STD-092, STD-123
GNSS Contingency MASPS for DME Infrastructure supporting PBN Positioning ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-107 Q2/2025 Ongoing STD-091
EVS/SVS MASPS for a Combined Vision System for Helicopter Operations for Low Visibility Operational Credit ED-XX EUROCAE WG-79 Q1/2025 Ongoing BTNAV-0502 B0-APTA
DMAN & A-CDM Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Systems ED-141A EUROCAE WG-111 Q3/2024 Ongoing AF2 2.1.1, 2.2.1 ED-141 is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.SoC" (DS SoC.006)
DMAN & A-CDM Airport Collaborative Decision Making Data Model Specification ED-145A EUROCAE WG-111 Q4/2025 Ongoing AF2 2.1.1, 2.2.1 ED-145 is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.SoC" (DS SoC.006)
DMAN & A-CDM Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability ED-146A EUROCAE WG-111 Q3/2024 Ongoing AF2 2.2.1 ED-146 is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.SoC" (GM1 for SoC.005)
TBS for final approach EUROCONTROL Specification for Time-Based Separation (TBS) EUROCONTROL SPEC-167 Edition 1.1 EUROCONTROL None Planned
WAM/ADS-B composite ED-142A Technical Specification for WAM Ground System with Composite Surveillance Functionality EUROCAE WG-51 Q2/2025 Ongoing STD-070, STD-173 B1-ASUR
MSPSR ED-288 Technical Specification (TS) for an Independent Non-Cooperative Surveillance (INCS) System EUROCAE WG-103 Q4/2024 Ongoing STD-087 B1-ASUR
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Obstacle Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.1.1 EUROCONTROL None Q4/2024 Ongoing
Database User Requirements for Navigation Data ED-77B EUROCAE WG-44 Q3/2025 Ongoing Joint with SC-217 DO-201C
Data-link services Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard (MASPS) for AIS and MET Datalink Services ED-335 EUROCAE WG-76 Q1/2025 Ongoing AGDLS-STD-05 Joint with SC-206 / DO-364A B2-DAIM, B2-AMET
SWIM MET SWIM service EUROCAE TBD 2020 Planned B2-AMET
Remote tower None Technical requirements for Remote TWR Operations RMT.0624 EASA Q4/2023 Ongoing
Virtual centre TBD EUROCAE WG-122 TBD Not Planned STD-097 A work programme is under development in EUROCAE WG-122: detailed activities to define within this work programme. Early deliverable is a taxonomy of services for VC - ER-029 (not a standard) published January 2024
Interface CWP / FDP interface EUROCAE TBD Not Planned Activity not yet planned Link with the AAS programme
ATN B1 & ATS B2 EUROCONTROL Specification on Data Link Services EUROCONTROL SPEC-116 Edition 2.2 EUROCONTROL OEP 12.1 Q1/2025 Planned Update associated to ICAO Doc 9880 and Operational Excellence Programme WST 12.1
ATN B1 & ATS B2 None Data Link Services RMT.0524 EASA Q3/2023 Ongoing REG-0102
ATN B1 & ATS B2 ED-xxx ATS Data Communications Verification Test Standard EUROCAE WG-78 Q2/2026 Ongoing Joint activity with RTCA SC 214
ATN/IPS Technical Standard of Aviation Profiles for ATN-IPS ED-262A EUROCAE WG-108 Published STD-153 DO-379A Published 15 October 2024
VDL Mode 2 VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for ground-based equipment; Part 1: Physical layer and MAC sub-layer EN 301 841-1 (V 1.5.1) ETSI None 2024 Ongoing AF6 6.1.1, 6.1.2 Version 1.4.1 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.CER.AGDC.110)
VDL Mode 2 VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2, Part 3: Harmonized standard for access to radio spectrum EN 301 841-3 (V2.2.1) ETSI None 2024 Ongoing AF6 6.1.1, 6.1.2 Version 2.1.1 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.CER.AGDC.120)
PBN and AWO operations MOPS: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation ED-323 EUROCAE WG-85 Q4/2024 Ongoing joint with RTCA SC-227 DO-283C
DMAN & A-CDM EUROCONTROL Specification for A-CDM EUROCONTROL-SPEC-nnn Edition 1.0 EUROCONTROL AOT Q4/2024 Ongoing STD-119, STD-116, STD-133 AF2, AF4 2.1.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 4.2.2 target date change, updated SDM references. Informal consultation closed, formal consultation to be launched end 2022
A-SMGCS EUROCONTROL Specification for Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) EUROCONTROL-SPEC-171 Edition 3.0 EUROCONTROL A-SMGCS TF Q1/2025 Ongoing STD-164 AF2 2.1.1, 2.3.1 B2-SURF Updated comment : Edition 2.0 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (GM1 for GE.CER.ASMGCS.310 and GE.CER.ASMGCS.330)
A-SMGCS Interoperability Standard for Data Exchange for A-SMGCS ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-41 Q2/2025 Ongoing STD-166 B2-SURF
A-SMGCS MOPS for supporting sensor systems for use in A-SMGCS ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-41 Planned
Airborne applications MOPS for Active Surveillance Systems ED-xxx EUROCAE WG-75 Q3/2025 Ongoing joint with RTCA SC-147 New for RDP V19
ADS-B Technical Specification for an ADS-B Ground System ED-129D EUROCAE WG-51 Q2/2026 Ongoing STD-174 ED-129B is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.DEC.ADSB.310, GE.DEC.ADSB.315, GE.DEC.ADSB.320, GE.DEC.ADSB.330)
ACAS ED-xxx MOPS for ACAS Xr EUROCAE WG-75 Q3/2025 Ongoing Joint activities with SC-147
Mode S transponder MOPS Mode S GA transponder ED-115A EUROCAE WG-49 Q3/2023 Ongoing STD-071 B0-ASUR Delayed. Discussions underway in EUROCAE as to whether this update is needed. WG-49 to consider with EUROCAE TAC in January 2025.
WAM/ADS-B composite Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) systems. Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum EN 303 489 (V1.1.1) ETSI None 2024 Ongoing Updated target date. WAM similar to MLAT. MLAT will be finalized first
ASM EUROCONTROL Specification for Airspace Management (ASM) Support System Requirements supporting the ASM processes at local and FAB level - Part I EUROCONTROL-SPEC-166 Edition 1.1 EUROCONTROL None Q4/2024 Planned AF3 3.1.1, 3.1.2 Edition 1.0 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.SoC — Issue 1" (DS SoC.002)
ESASSP EUROCONTROL Specification for ATM Surveillance System Performance (ESASSP) EUROCONTROL-SPEC-147 Edition 2.0 EUROCONTROL Surveillance Standard TF (SSTF) Q2/2027 Planned A major update of ESASSP (Edition 2.0) is foreseen following the ICAO RSUR developments. Edition 1.2 of this standard is referenced by EASA "DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1" (AMC1 for GE.CER.SDP.520)
Aeronautical information exchange AIXM Edition 5.2 EUROCONTROL None Q2/2024 Ongoing AF2, AF3, AF5 2.2.1, 3.1.1, 5.3.1 See https://www.aixm.aero/page/future-aixm-version-52
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for AIP Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.1.1 EUROCONTROL None Q4/2024 Ongoing updated target date
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Digital NOTAM Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.1.1 EUROCONTROL None Q2/2024 Ongoing updated target date
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Instrument Flight Procedures Design Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.2 EUROCONTROL None TBD Planned
Aeronautical information exchange EUROCONTROL Specification for Obstacle Data Set Coding using AIXM 5.2 EUROCONTROL None TBD Planned
VDL Mode 2 VDL 2 Airborne MOPS ED-92D EUROCAE WG-92 Q1/2025 Ongoing AF6 6.1.1 Joint activity with RTCA SC 214 B0-TBO
LDACS MOPS for L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) for Data and Voice Communication ED-XXX EUROCAE WG-82 Q4/2024 Ongoing STD-160
Air/air datalink services AIR - AIR point to point Data-Link Services EUROCAE None 2025 Planned Long term activity at EUROCAE
Satcom MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) ED-243D EUROCAE WG-82 Q3/2025 Ongoing coordinated activities (SC222)
VoIP ED-136/2A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and Technical Requirements Volume 2: Safety and Performance Requirements (SPR) standard. EUROCAE WG-67 Q1/2025 Ongoing AMC1 GE.CER.AGVC.210 AMC2 GE.CER.AGVC.220 AMC 3 GE.CER.AGVC.220 AMC1 GE.CER.AGVC.240 STD-181 Updated target date
GNSS ED-259B - Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment EUROCAE WG-62 Q1/2026 Ongoing Current ED-259A A-RDP entry is referencing Master Plan reference STD-023
ADS-B MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B and TIS-B ED-102B Ch2 EUROCAE WG-51 Q1/2025 Ongoing
AMAN SWIM services Arrival Sequence Service Performance Standard ED-254 Change 1 EUROCAE WG-104 Q4/2025 Ongoing
ATM ground system ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;Part 1: Common technical requirements EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 ETSI ERM WGEMC 2025 Ongoing title will be changed and DME equipment will be included
ATM ground system ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 22: Specific conditions for ground based aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment. EN 301 489-22 Vx.x.x ETSI ERM WGEMC 2026 Planned
ATM ground system ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 55: Specific conditions for ground based equipment for air navigation operating on 1030 MHz and 1090 MHz; Harmonised Standard for electromagnetic compatibility ETSI ERM WGEMC 2025 Ongoing Title will be changed and DME equipment will be included